Data Migration Plan & Tracker Template

Protect the lifeblood of your company with this comprehensive data migration plan. Based on industry best practices, our proven Process for Transformational Change, and years of experience, this template will guide you through all the steps necessary to clean, test, and migrate your data with minimal interruptions.

To effectively utilize this template, users will require the following:

  • Decision-makers to identify the essential data needed for their new system.
  • A data architect who can provide insights on the best methods for extracting data from the current system.
  • A data analyst to assist in reviewing, cleaning, and transforming the data.
  • Individuals knowledgeable about the target system and the required data format for successful loading into that system.

This template is a one-time only digital download of a fully customizable .xlsx file containing a comprehensive data migration plan and tracker. You can purchase the template to complete independently, or you can purchase our Data Migration Workshop that provides training and strategy recommendations in addition to the Migration Plan & Tracker.

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