While technology often takes the spotlight in discussions surrounding digital transformation, company culture is a key determinant of success.
Dr. Spencer Johnson wrote the business book classic on managing change, "Who Moved My Cheese?" This article draws lessons from the book and explores the significance of change management...
In our last post, we explored the critical roles that business analysts play in organizational change and digital strategy in the context of supply chain and manufacturing. Today, we...
Learn the best strategies to build a high-performing digital transformation team with the right mix of skills, traits, and experience. Discover how you can leverage collective intelligence to get...
Licensed professional engineer, Dan Schellhammer, wears a big hat: He’s vice president of business development for Midstate Reclamation, Inc., Coughlin Company, Alpha Milling, and Performance Equipment Service, a group...
Sometimes we wish our businesses would grow like weeds. That can only happen when we provide the correct nutrients and growing conditions. More than ever businesses are turning to...
What’s the hardest part about digital transformation? While you might think it’s technical by nature, you’d probably be surprised to find out that it’s not. The biggest problem companies...