70% of ERP system implementations fail. In this first article in a series on Troubled ERP Implementations, Tory Bjorklund walks through five proven, tangible steps you can take to...
Dave Burnett is a distinguished finance executive known for his exceptional problem-solving skills, business partnering, and agile leadership. Hear from his experience with transformational implementations in this exclusive interview.
A famous quote from the Art of War reads, “Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to...
Learn the best strategies to build a high-performing digital transformation team with the right mix of skills, traits, and experience. Discover how you can leverage collective intelligence to get...
The Significance of Subject Matter Expertise in Digital Transformation: A Lesson from Warren Buffett
Discover common risk factors in digital transformation projects and the significance of subject matter expertise in mitigating those risks.
Discover how IT misalignment could be costing your business and learn effective strategies to tackle this issue. Explore the root causes of IT misalignment, like legacy systems and poor...
Learn the key to digital transformation through Einstein's sage advice. Explore why so many DX projects fail, and what you can do to avoid the same outcome.